powershell uninstall software wildcard

# EXAMPLE 1. March 12, 2015 by Morgan. Microsoft's new package manager, winget (following in the footsteps of the Linux tool APT), is supposed to distribute software for Windows. Don't use wildcard characters unless the application name contains the wild card character, as these will will be used in a regular expressions match.#> . WMI is launched from the command line. The Get-ChildItem cmdlet provides more flexibility for simple or advanced wildcards to find files by a search pattern. Let's break down the code required. You can use PowerShell Replace to replace characters, strings, texts, or special characters.PowerShell has a Replace Method and a Replace Operator. If you want to uninstall a Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 Store app you usually take easy and quick steps: you have to go to the Windows Start screen, find the app's tile, right click it and choose the Uninstall command. If multiple versions of a package are installed, the newest version is uninstalled. In Command Prompt window, type wmic command and press Enter. rd /s /q C:\Program Files\<PROGRAM FOLDER NAME HERE> Command Line to Uninstall a Program using MSIEXEC. Simple uninstall. The generic command is: Object.Delete () To delete files and folders, use the Get-ChildItem command and use the Delete () method on the output. winget uninstall -? I was able to prevent the expansion of the wildcard and cd into the path with no problem when I . Second, decide if you want to force a full SCCM hardware inventory, so set the flag accordingly. In Windows 7,8, you can uninstall it by Clicking on Start >> Control Panel >> Programs >> Uninstall a program. Scoping out the registry, we can find two paths that holds all of the data we need for software. PARAMETER Credentials This Switch specifies credentials for remote machines. In addition to product specific uninstallers as detailed in option 1, most large (or old) software companies have developed free master uninstallers to remove ALL of their software. Check how to do it below. In the command window that opens, type wmic and press "Enter". I've been tasked to deploy Power BI to an undefined amount of users. Additional Remote File. Now that we have the script, we just need to save it as a .ps1 file. Once the script is ready you can add it as a PowerShell Script type on the properties of the package as shown below: {Start-Process -FilePath $AppUserPath -ArgumentList "/S"} So now when my script runs, it will parse through all the user appdata folders on the machine and find the one with the application installed that has uninstall.exe file. The below PowerShell function check the Uninstall location and returns true if a given program is installed and returns false if not installed. Now lets start the tutorial: STEP 1: First of all we need to open PowerShell as Administrator to execute the required commands. You will get a list of programs that . Accept wildcard characters: False-Bcc. That won't work. You are able to uninstall applications using Powershell. Details. Before installing Windows PowerShell 1.0 RC2, you must uninstall any versions of Windows PowerShell 1.0 on the computer. 1 Comment on Remove Windows 10 Apps with DISM: How to remove pre-provisioned apps from Windows Image You can use app package-servicing commands to add, remove, and list provisioned app packages (.appx or .appxbundle) in a Windows image. Uninstall-Module cmdlet in PowerShell which ships with PowerShellGet module, uninstalls the specific module (multiple modules as well) and specific version that is installed on the local computer in the local user profile or the current user profile and it fails to uninstall when the module has the dependency on the other modules and with the . To turn it off, run the following command: choco feature disable -n autoUninstaller. I have an install script which works well. It passes in a string array as the msiexec arguments. PART 3: Reinstall/restore all or a specific built-in app in Windows 10. RM. # EXAMPLES. I use the command wmic product where "name like '%%Java 7%%'" call uninstall and it does what i need for the most part.My question is how can I have it search for Java 7 Update 15 (64-bit) with the 15 being a wildcard? PowerShell PS> Uninstall-Package -Name NuGet.Core There are two components I wrote/adapted that will already do what you need to do-- [WIN/PS] Find Software Info (aka Uninstall Command Finder) to pull the data out of the registry, and there is a [WIN/PS] Generic Uninstaller (does not use WMI) to actually do the uninstall itself. . One other note on where I got HKCU:\Software\Classes\``*\shell\ from: as part of my debugging, I was trying to cd into the path with the "*" key in it. All I really found missing so far was the print management module missing. Thank you very much for quick response and for the tip on -LiteralPath, I was unaware of this option. The first section covers the Replace Method with multiple examples. I upgraded all my clients (win 7 and above) to PowerShell v5 and it adds most the functionality that Windows 10 has. The command uses the Get-Item cmdlet to get an item that represents the registry key. To find installed packages, use the Get-Package cmdlet. To deploy, open the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center and click Devices > PowerShell Scripts > Add: PowerShell scripts. If, for some reason, you'd like to use the Path parameter using wildcards but want to literally match a wildcard character like *, you can always escape the wildcard characters with a backtick (`).. LiteralPath. Select RPC Dynamic Ports as the Local Port and click Next. Press Windows + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open elevated Command Prompt. These master uninstallers often provide command line options and do a much better job of uninstalling that the native uninstallers. Pay close attention to the quotes around the file paths (in case they contain spaces). The LiteralPath parameter is nearly identical to the Path parameter with one exception; it doesn't allow wildcards. Sometimes the standard app's removal procedure doesn't work fine, thus making necessary for the user to remove the app in . You can use wildcard characters in commands and script blocks, such as to create a word pattern that represents property values. This is an example of how to install and uninstall an MSI using PowerShell. The Find Software Info will partial match while the Generic . The guide has 2 sections. Use the following command to remove Microsoft Store from your computer: Get-AppxPackage -Name "Microsoft.WindowsStore" | Remove-AppxPackage. Add command line parameters to be run when the program installs, for instance silent install parameters, license key details (optional) /silent. Once you have reached this screen then you will see the Azure PowerShell or Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Month Year in the program listing. (If I want to uninstall from a large collection of servers, I use the foreach statement ($servers is an array of server names). In Windows 10, you can uninstall it by clicking on Start >> Settings >> Apps. None of these commands work: Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'Google Earth 7' Remove-MSIApplications -WildCard 'Google Earth 7' Remove-MSIApplications -WildCard 'Google Earth 7' The 2 locations are as follows: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. . I want to uninstall a software by calling a bat file. This script can be modified to look for 32 bit programs by changing the registry key used, and the if statement can be modified to find other software (remember to look at attributes "majorversion" and "minorversion" for software without the version in the "displayname"). I am trying to use WMIC.exe to uninstall the 64-bit version of java. Install / Uninstall via PowerShell. PARAMETER Uninstall Uninstalls all found software using the Uninstall () Method. If you still have access to the .MSI installation file you can simply run: msiexec /x <PROGRAM NAME HERE>.msi /q. Using the LiteralPath will interpret the path's value literally. If you need . Open Start Menu and type powershell. - displays help for the uninstall command. . I am trying to just uninstall the 64 bit version and not the 32 bit version. The syntax follows the rules of the PowerShell -like operator, so the * character is interpreted as a wildcard, which matches any (zero or more) characters. Below is a PowerShell example that may work for you after some modifications. The plus point is it clears every file and registry key associated with the application. Select TCP as the Protocol type. Uninstall Using the App's GUID HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. The cmdlet you need use is uninstall-package. Then type product get name command and press Enter. It must be automatically, without entering any parameters during the uninstallation. To do this, press the Start button and go to Settings -> Apps -> Apps and features. Programs installed with an .MSI are easy and has two choices: Uninstall Using the Installation MSI. Get-item - Return an object that represents an item in a namespace. If the user decided to install the software under a user context, you'd find the registry keys here: So, I thought to use: wmic product where "name like 'TeamViewer%%'" call uninstall. If the display name contains a version number, such as "Launchy (2.5)", it is recommended you use a fuzzy search "Launchy (*)" (the wildcard * ) so if Launchy auto-updates or is updated . Search for specific software. To uninstall other versions of Windows PowerShell 1.0: The below powershell script delete the file test.txt if it already exists under the path C:Share. Additional Local File. Episode 448 . Regardless of the reason, it's easy to check for and remove a file if it exists using PowerShell. Enumerates the registry for installed applications matching the specified application name and uninstalls that application using the product code, provided the uninstall string matches "msiexec". It seems that cd does expand the wildcard. Special Uninstaller is a great application to delete or uninstall software that is not required. The command is shown here: Get-AppxPackage -Name *pricedetective* | Remove-AppxPackage Removing multiple apps Powershell - Delete File If Exists. This options seems to totally ignore version numbers. As an Administrator, start a new POWERSHELL command-line prompt. Default is "*" wildcard meaning all items. So you can add more arguments as you see fit. For properties, I just named the script Remove Solitaire. The command for doing so is: Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Select-Object -Property. On a new PowerShell line, type the following command: Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage and press Enter. Those paths are: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. For example, let's say I want to remove Google Earth version 7x but no higher or lower version. If you want to completely uninstall and remove a provisioned app from a Windows 10 machine, follow these steps. This above script checks both the regular Uninstall location as well as the"Wow6432Node" location to ensure that both 32-bit and 64 . Substitute "*appname*" with the name of your app, keeping the double quotes (") and the wildcards (*). If you want to uninstall a Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 Store app you usually take easy and quick steps: you have to go to the Windows Start screen, find the app's tile, right click it and choose the Uninstall command. Right-click in the Uninstall field next to the application you want to uninstall and click Create Uninstall . Another gotcha you need to make sure when uninstalling programs the provider type is .msi. Browse other questions tagged windows powershell batch-file wmi uninstall or ask your own question. This is an example of how to install and uninstall an MSI using PowerShell. In this article i will use a real world example, the "Final Media Player". In the list of apps, select the app to be uninstalled. Pay close attention to the quotes around the file paths (in case they contain spaces). Remove a registry value by using the pipeline: PS C:\> Get-Item -Path HKLM:\Software\MyCompany | Remove-ItemProperty -Name NoOfEmployees. Otherwise, the installation fails. Every object in PowerShell has a Delete () method and you can use it to remove that object. Click the Uninstall button. Microsoft Windows Uninstall Registry Key. Using PowerShell Get-ChildItem cmdlet to show a list of files or directories in one or more locations. For 32-bit applications. Powershell send mailmessage html. Open in new window. For example, Yahoo is one of those fantastic companies that uses a random ID in their uninstall process making it difficult for mass removal. Experimental Feature winget uninstall <package> - uninstalls the specified package. The System Properties dialog, Advanced tab. You write you want to uninstall a "program/software" silently. STEP 1 - Open a Powershell prompt: Win + X -> Windows Powershell. Introduction to PowerShell uninstall module. For example, the following command gets services in which the ServiceType property value includes Interactive. <#Runs the uninstall command located in the uninstall string of . . Related PowerShell Cmdlets: Clear-item - Remove content from a variable or an alias. Just using -Credentials will prompt you to enter your credentials when executing the command. Removes all MSI applications matching the specified application name. How to Uninstall Programs Using CMD (Command Prompt) in Windows 10/11. In the download version it is currently set to: Monitor*Information*Reporting* Keep in mind that the * is a wild card used to search ARP entries. foreach ($server in $servers) { ( [wmi]"\\$server\root\cimv2:Win32_Product.$classKey").uninstall () } Open up a command prompt and type the following line: WMIC product get name. If any version of Windows PowerShell 1.0 is installed on the computer, you must uninstall it. Here is the command output. HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. NOTE Starting in 0.9.10+, the Automatic Uninstaller (AutoUninstaller) is turned on by default. This is a complete example to remove a specific app package for a user. The below command will uninstall the 7-zip using the above-retrieved code. The second one, will search for the application in the registry and use the uninstall string as path to the uninstaller. To date, however, it has hardly offered any practical value due to its limited functions. PART 2: Remove all built-in apps in Windows 10. You can limit the Depth parameter to limit . No. \> remove-item hklm:\software\SS64\demo -recurse . Use the Delete () Method. 12-06-2017 08:09 PM. powershell if program is installed; use powershel to check if application is installed and if not install it; powershell to determine if program is installed; powershell list installed software; use powershell to check if program is installed; get all installed software powershell; powershell check if tool is installed system path . We can test and check if a file exist or not by using the PowerShell cmdlet Test-Path and we can remove/delete a file by using the cmdlet Remove-Item. As there are multiple ways to remove each version, I'd like a 'catch all' using a common variable and WMI commands. Here's a list of 3 different PC's with it installed and the uninstall command: PC1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset {6C65AE16-DBA3-7740-B2F9-6487B83696A1}\unset.exe". Uninstall the application. Note: uninstall depends on list also being enabled. Choose Custom and click Next. Here is the command output. Press Windows + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open elevated Command Prompt on Windows 10/11. Uninstall Using the App's GUID Programs installed with an .MSI are easy and has two choices: Uninstall Using the Installation MSI. I used PowerShell ISE to do this: PowerShell ISE Solitaire Removal Script. The Overflow Blog A beginner's guide to JSON, the data format for the internet. Select Allow the connection and click Next. It also supports the use of wildcards. This Itechguide teaches you how to use PowerShell Replace Method and Replace Operator to perform various replace tasks.. At first, type the command below to check if PowerShell is enabled or disabled. Uninstallation String. WMI method. Some applications will only be fully removed after a reboot. The advantage of the above detection method is that it uses the "Uninstall" key where 99% of applications are registered, which makes the detection method highly reliable. I ran the above with admin creds on a local pc with . msiexec /x $product.IdentifyingNumber /quiet /noreboot This is the cmd command but we can run in PowerShell, however we can't control the execution of this command. Write-Output "Uninstall Command: $ ($Program.UninstallString)" $Uninstall = ( Start-Process cmd.exe -ArgumentList '/c', $Program .UninstallString -Wait -PassThru) <#Runs the uninstall command located in the uninstall string of the program's uninstall registry key, this is the command that is ran when you uninstall from Control Panel. WMI Method. This command deletes the NoOfEmployees registry value, and its data, from the HKLM\Software\MyCompany registry key. With WMI class Win32_Product you can retrieve the list of software uninstalled in your local or the remote systems. Depending on how long it takes to uninstall the package, a progress bar may appear at the top of the Windows PowerShell console to indicate that the command is working. Type the command lines below to uninstall PowerShell utility. It passes in a string array as the msiexec arguments. While it's not as easy as a one line WMI call, it is not too difficult to get this information with Get-ChildItem. Specify the IP address of the scan node on the remote IP addresses list or choose Any IP address and then click Next. Details. To uninstall the product using msiexec, use /x switch with the product id. To see a GUI view of the user and system environment variables, run SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe from PowerShell, a command prompt or from Windows Key+R to display the System Properties Advanced tab. If you still have access to the .MSI installation file you can simply run: msiexec /x <PROGRAM NAME HERE>.msi /q. Congratulations! Many third party installers won't work with CIM. The alternative to this is by digging into the registry to pull information about installed software. the software developer created the installer / uninstaller in a way that makes it impossible to uninstall it without user notification/confirmation. Step 2 - Uninstall Microsoft Store. Select all. invoke-item - Invoke an executable or open a file . I posted the correct method and yes, an uninstall can take some time. These are where each piece of software places its keys when installed on the system. Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'Adobe Flash'. Using Package provider. Name and location the additional file is downloaded as. If this is your first time running WMIC it will take a second to automatically install itself. If you are on DattoRMM, go to the community comstore. Uninstalling Windows PowerShell. There are mainly 3 methods by which you can uninstall software using PowerShell. C:\installer\ftp\aninstaller_123_part2.exe. If you have PowerShell v5, you can also use the get-package | uninstall-package cmdlets. List the installed applications. This will remove the package from chocolatey without attempting to uninstall the program. This is starting to change with Preview 0.3, which offers functions for uninstalling or upgrading. Click on the EnvironmentVariables button, which is highlighted in the image below. I've looked up forum after forum, and I'm . PowerShell Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.ServiceType -Like "*Interactive*"} HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. This will only uninstall the UWP app in the . Sometimes the standard app's removal procedure doesn't work fine, thus making necessary for the user to remove the app in . You should keep in mind not every program / software uses MSI. . The exact syntax of the filter (wildcard support etc) depends on the provider. Here's a list of 3 different PC's with it installed and the uninstall command: PC1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset {6C65AE16-DBA3-7740-B2F9-6487B83696A1}\unset.exe". Example:Using WMIC to uninstall a software product by exact name. We will discuss here the WMI method to uninstall software. Step 2. In this example, I will be using the test-path cmdlet and the remove-item cmdlet. Examples Example 1: Uninstall a package The Uninstall-Package cmdlet uninstalls packages. Step 1. Using Recurse parameter to get items recursively from all the child containers. Obviously only works on items that have an uninstall string that use a . First of all, we will set a value for a variable called FileName. Then it will execute the uninstall.exe file using the resolved path that it found. As a user I want to be able to use winget to uninstall a package so I don't have to go through the Add/Remove software UX. So you can add more arguments as you see fit. For example, Yahoo is one of those fantastic companies that uses a random ID in their uninstall process making it difficult for mass removal. rd /s /q C:\Program Files\<PROGRAM FOLDER NAME HERE> Command Line to Uninstall a Program using MSIEXEC. Use the following command to find that out Get-Package | Where-Object {$_.ProviderName -like 'msi'} Now let's remove SAPIEN Primal Script March 12, 2020. The Name parameter specifies the package to uninstall. Replace the application's name with the one you want to uninstall. Fortunately, SolarWinds have created a Free WMI Monitor for PowerShell so that you can discover these gems of performance information, and thus improve your PowerShell scripts.. Take the guesswork out of which WMI counters to use when scripting the operating system, Active Directory, or . Choose All programs and click Next. Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList /i, C:\Documents\PBI\Install\PBIDesktop_x64.msi, /passive, ACCEPT_EULA=1 -Wait. PowerShell Script to Check if File Exists before Deleting. You can open the command line from "Start All Programs Accessories Command Prompt", or just press the "WIN + R" keys, the "Run" window will open in which in the "open" box type "cmd" and click OK. Here, the object can be a file, folder, array, variable, registry keys, etc. . Step 2. Check if a Program is installed or not by checking registry value. I can do a simple task kill on the running EXE and to close the running program. You can also remove it for all users, to do this you will need to make sure that you started PowerShell in Admin mode. The most obvious and simple way to uninstall a modern Microsoft Store app on Windows 10 is through the new Settings control panel. It is available for Free and Premium with 247 support. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is one of the hidden treasures of Microsoft's operating systems. With the simple uninstall you simply use the Execute-Process command, the command for my use is the following: Thus, we . . Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c" -User "S-1-5-21-777777777-4759240440-3758104820-1006" This is a way to remove an app package for all users using a PowerShell pipeline. This is a complete example to remove a specific app package for a user. Step 1. The first thing that you need to do is get a list of the applications that are installed on the machine. Now let's try to remove a program using PowerShell. Remove-AppxPackage -Package "Microsoft.SkypeApp_15.0_x86__kzf8qxf38zg5c" -User "S-1-5-21-777777777-4759240440-3758104820-1006" This is a way to remove an app package for all users using a PowerShell pipeline. Therefore, it is possible to uninstall software by using the command that is shown here. You should keep in mind there is NSIS, InnoSetup, ..

powershell uninstall software wildcard