stretch and challenge ofsted

To stretch and challenge students in the classroom is an art in itself. Stretch and challenge is a method which should be approached carefully, however, as 'a perceived challenge for one child may raise achievement, but may hinder progress for another' (Blandford and Knowles, 2014, p. 206). "The percentage of schools in which provision for the most able pupils needed improvement was consistently high, with more than 44% of Ofsted reports highlighting the need for a change to provision.". Increasingly analytical extended writing won't provide the requisite "high challenge" in maths. For a range of websites that provide challenge and stretch in maths, please check out the following document. I tried the wall in two lessons so far and all pupils said that the activities did stretch and challenge them. By February 2021 LP4/5 TLC strategies will be evident in HT3 Learning Walk records. 6 Round Table Take a specific idea, question or thought linked to the lesson and ask students to imagine it as the focal point for a roundtable discussion. Here are some stretch and challenge activities I use in the classroom: Whiteboard Workouthas students up on their feet working in small groups discussing a statement or topic area on whiteboards. And Ofsted said that the current medical room was not adequate and situated too far away from the toilet. Differentiating lessons for the able, gifted and the . After all, it's what helped us fall in love with language learning. The exception was one pupil who admitted to choosing an easier . 3. Our lessons are appropriately differentiated to stretch and challenge all students and develop greater depth of knowledge in . Inspectors in their last report noted that the school should make improvements by . Stretch and Challenge Bulletin November 2021 [pdf] Safeguarding: If you have a safeguarding concern please email [email protected] and a member of the safeguarding team will get back to you. 2. Ask open-ended questions. One of the most effective ways of stretching learners is to provide open-ended maths problems that allow for multiple responses and perspectives. Contact Us * * * reCAPTCHA If you are . How to stretch and challenge your students. Build on interests to extend label . Stretch and Challenge > . Gifted and Talented is back on the Ofsted agenda. Potential Plus UK, February . Challenge themselves by completing the additional homework projects available for each unit of work. Introduction. We're always here to talk and listen to your needs. What should Stretch and Challenge include? Don't bolt on challenge - build it in At their worst, stretch tasks ask pupils to do things which are largely unrelated to the learning intention of the lesson. Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. It can also be useful for high-attaining learners to explain something they understand easily to a child who doesn't 'get it' so quickly. This conference will also be taking place on the 6th October in London. Support staff ensure that help is on hand when pupils need it. One double period per week is timetabled specifically for Stretch and Challenge. Most teachers use their good subject knowledge to stretch and challenge pupils. Click here for our latest OFSTED Report. Routines/Habits: The things you do all the time, in every lesson. Those of us who've been around a while will remember the rubric for inspection reports in the early days . Make sure that the language all teachers use, whatever subject they're teaching, is a common one, and is understood by teachers as . GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. They said that education must challenge and support students at all levels, whilst identifying the most able and ensuring that they are stretched. These 'Stretch and Challenge' pages are intended to help your son or daughter to take responsibility for some of their own learning at Park Hall. Potential Plus UK carried out an analysis of Ofsted reports on school inspections published in June 2018. We hope you enjoy exploring and making discoveries. However the report praises the "very newly formed leadership team" for having a clear vision for future improvement. They do not always feel comfortable asking for more challenging work. Students can grow and develop their talents through their five years at Crookhorn College where we will encourage all students to achieve their full potential both inside and outside the classroom. It may be that their learning at home or in . Challenge varies by subject. This section of the website Read More Stretch . stretch and challenge students to make expected or better progress in the majority of lessons. The act of having to rephrase or reconceptualise something in order to teach it requires the learner to build empathy, understand alternative perspectives and think laterally. Event summary - why is this conference relevant? After reviewing the suggestions given towards the end of our last . This course outlines how to develop teaching and curriculum design to stretch and challenges pupils in science. A classroom where stretch and challenge is embedded is one where students know the standard they are aiming for, actively seek out feedback to reach that standard, and have the tools to move their own learning forward by using this feedback to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. Stretch and challenge is often the reason why FE teachers miss out on being awarded grade 1 at observation. Successful transition is central to ensuring that the speed of progress made at primary schools is maintained or increased when students reach secondary school. Support staff ensure that help is on hand when pupils need it. View more Lets have a chat. The Zone of Proximal Development. Stretch & Challenge. Stretch and Challenge. Stretch and Challenge. Despite still being virtual in nature, I thought I would still try and provide a little 'stretch and challenge' during the third Primary Humanities Network meeting of this academic year. Challenge student's points - E.g. 2. Phase 0 - Transition. Whatever they are, make sure they're personal to each learner. Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England. 1. Summary. Through(this(policy(we(aim(to(achieve(awhole(school(ethos(where(achieving(atahigh(level(is(an(expectation,(by(implementing(effective(identification(and(monitoring(of . How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. We all know that we need to be stretching students whatever their starting points, we know that we have to challenge every child in a class. The third challenge is to ensure that all schools help students and families overcome cultural barriers to attending higher education. Here are twenty-four activities, one for each day in the run-up to Christmas. Here is the November stretch and challenge bulletin of tasks and activities you can do this month to improve your subject knowledge. Too little challenge; Too little support or teacher input; Lack of checking; Lack of opportunities to write and speak; How to Stretch and Challenge High Potential Pupils in KS2 Maths. Challenge across Year 7 and 8 seemed to rise significantly following a whole-school training session and OFSTED report. The awarding bodies were given guidance that 'stretch and challenge' questions should: use a variety of stems in questions - for example analyse, evaluate, discuss, compare - Together, we began our journey to become a MAT of more than 1000 talented staff working with over 10,000 children in 40 schools across 5 regions in southern England. Ambition, aspiration and passion for learning are built into the DNA of the Stretch and Challenge School through its targets and teaching, but also through its ethos, expectations, language, structures, systems, curriculum, intervention, parental engagement and guidance - to name but a few areas! The Ofsted inspector liked it too! Create a revision guide for the unit of work that they are studying. GLF Schools was founded in 2012 in order to enable the federation of Glyn School (an academy in 2011) and Danetree Junior School. why do you think that, are you sure, what makes you come to that decision, expand, go on (good tool to stretch and challenge all students) Between student to student not student to teacher - flow; Teacher facilitates through body movement e.g. The most important thing is that a school sees differentiation as the key means by which it enables high challenge and stretch to happen in classroom situations - which is the only time it really matters. English: Beyond Differentiation - stretch and challenge in English. They are able to identify what effective challenge means for them. Use Title Questions. . " "ensure that the overall curriculum provision for RE is challenging and has greater coherence and continuity. stretch and challenge . So was the Stretch and Challenge wall a hit ? Participants will develop a tool kit of strategies to support teaching and will reflect on how . Extra Challenges: Things you build into an overall scheme . We have high expectations of what our students have achieved at primary school, and look to build on their prior learning immediately . . Calls for Secondary Schools to "improve the quality of teaching and the curriculum to increase opportunities for pupils to work independently, make links with other subjects and tackle more challenging tasks." . To asking the students to create a performance in a shorter space of time. Pupils achieve well in most subjects. Instead of making numbers bigger or making content harder, use unfamiliar or unusual tasks to challenge learners' thinking and change the structure of routine questions. This award - launched in September 2021 - is initially available for our Year 9 cohorts and will be rolled out to all years over the next three years. At Wyedean School, we recognise that we have many bright, talented and "more able" students. Ofsted wants to see that all learners have been stretched and challenged to achieve ambitious targets - so set them! activities for 'stretch and challenge' plan questioning - questions that you ask and time for students to ask questions use bloom's verbs in your lesson objectives use images to generate discussion or challenge assumptions - including wordle use on-line tolls to promote discussion - such as blogs, edmodo or lino-it grades.8 Schools were selected from all eight of Ofsted's regions and were a mixture of size and type. Conclusions Able KS3 students generally enjoy positive challenge, but do not feel they are getting enough of it. Contact Us. The full OFSTED report can be accessed at the link below. Make sure that the language all teachers use, whatever subject they're teaching, is a common one, and is understood by teachers as . In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. This influences everything else. Ofsted defines high-achievers as those achieving a Level 5 in both English and maths in national curriculum tests, commonly known as Sats taken in the final year of primary school. Part of the Government response to this has been to introduce a policy of 'stretch and challenge', which features different question styles in new A-level examination . However, the phrase 'stretch and challenge' has not only become something of a clich, it's also too often misunderstood, along with OFSTED's expectations for outstanding practice. Like a GPS, teachers are prone to denying students responsibility for their own path-nding. You are not alone looking for KS2 maths challenges for high attainers. The tasks that push pupils vary enormously by subject. . Students respond earnestly and with great interest and enthusiasm. Here are my 4 top tips for ditching the differentiation madness. 1. Teachers use group profiles effectively to plan for differentiated learning activities and they update. Third Space Learning. First steps The first step is to find out who has the responsibility for the 'more able' learners in your school. View more . 4. January 9, 2016 January 30, 2016 Posted in Education, food education, learning strategies, Ofsted, teachers, Uncategorized . Similarly, there would exist a few that would have difficulty completing it as well. Every child deserves maths challenges that stretch them. This will be updated regularly. Consultancy Workshops 14th January 2022. The above reference to 'Pace and depth' of learning in the January Ofsted framework, on which this set of posts was originally based , is not included in the latest (September 2012) Handbook for . 3. How to stretch the more able: go off-piste, dene differentiation and avoid time-wasting marking Conference chair Ian Warwick addresses some of the questions posed by delegates at the 'Stretch and Challenge the More Able' event. Create a glossary of new vocabulary that they acquire during History lessons. 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports Calls for Secondary Schools to "improve the quality of teaching and the curriculum to increase opportunities for pupils to work independently, make links with other subjects and tackle more challenging tasks. Ultimately, ensuring that challenges issued are in keeping with a particular learner's ability is the key. 4. Stretch and Challenge for All Our comprehensive ethos means that we are passionate about stretching and challenging all students regardless of ability and background. Tel: 01474 331893 Fax: 01474 331894 Email us. This course outlines how to develop teaching and curriculum design to stretch and challenges pupils in science. Pygmalion in the Classroom (Pygmalion in the Classroom Rosenthal, R.; Jacobson, L. (1968) Knowledge Organisers: There's been a lot of discussion about these, especially from those in favour of their use. Departmental Stretch and Challenge evaluation will evidence strategies in place in curriculum areas. extension of hand to signal who is going to speak; Issues and . OFSTED REPORT 2015. Sixth Form. In each case the students will then have the remaining time to improve or add to their work. and challenge, and high expectations. So was the Stretch and Challenge wall a hit ? In lessons there will be occasions when they may like to increase the difficulty of the work, try an additional task or link their learning across subjects. From Mike Gershon - Stretch and challenge toolkit . I See Reasoning UKS2 - Gareth Metcalfe. However, taking . Phase 0 - Transition. They are aware of its Stretch and challenge evaluation 1 Executive Summary Claims that A-levels do not stretch the brightest students1 have dogged the education system in England in recent years. 2010 2013 last Ofsted reports. Inspection findings Senior leaders and governors know the school well. As a matter of urgency, Ofsted recommends that school leaders must: develop a culture of high expectations for students and teachers in secondary school make sure that teachers use information. Leave a comment. Main Switchboard Tel . 'Excellent . Stretch and Challenge. In lessons there will be occasions when they may like to increase the difficulty of the work, try an additional task or link their learning across subjects. Planning. Inspectors found that the work set for the most able pupils did not always stretch and challenge them. I tried the wall in two lessons so far and all pupils said that the activities did stretch and challenge them. In the first instance, 'stretch and challenge' may be conceptualised as referring to the provision of a whole-class experience that underscores the relevance of providing stimulating tasks and activities that push all learners to the limits of their current knowledge and educational comfort zones. Vocabulary building Students need high levels of literacy to access the curriculum and academic excellence Vocabulary should include subject specific terms e. g. lateral moraine, differential, oligarchy It should also include vocabulary to enable them to access questions e. g. analyse, discuss, evaluate Word banks, glossaries, use of thesaurus all . Contact. Question the process. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) inspects services providing education and skills for learners of all ages, including schools, and reports on the quality of their provision. 2 possibilities (among . Many of our most able students come . The most important thing is that a school sees differentiation as the key means by which it enables high challenge and stretch to happen in classroom situations - which is the only time it really matters. Lets have a chat. Urgently improve the quality of teaching, particularly in English and mathematics, Our flagship stretch and challenge programme is called the Harlington Scholars Award. In regards to Stretch & Challenge, what is working for you and your students? Take a lead role in teaching key concepts and ideas to . In 2015, Ofsted commented on stretch and challenge in the context of 'the most able' . Nearly all of the schools visited had a broadly average intake in Yet if we take these points and actually flip them on their head, we can address what we need to stretch and challenge HPPs: Participants will gain an understanding of what stretch and challenge should look like based on evidence from Ofsted and research. January 9, 2016 January 30, 2016 Posted in Education, food education, learning strategies, Ofsted, teachers, Uncategorized .

stretch and challenge ofsted