why did the engineers want to destroy humanity

Little wonder, then, that it takes serpent-like form. The best source seems to be from behind the scenes explanation, but the general gist that Scott and the screenwriters were trying to imply was that the Engineers seeded Earth with human life, checked in on us at some point in our history and saw that we were misbehaving quite a bit, and decided we should be wiped out before we spread out of control and ruined the planet and the rest of the . 5. Today controversy over the historical roots of warfare . 5 thoughts on " 6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite - New World Order Depopulation Agenda " Sora January 6, 2016 at 1:11 am. But it . Human enhancement is at least as old as human civilization. A quarter-century later, after outlasting an international military coalition in a war that cost tens of thousands of lives, the onetime students are now . Rewards kill creativity. (For data on whether Americans say they would want to use potential technology that involved a brain-chip implant to improve cognitive abilities, see the accompanying survey, see U.S. Public Wary of Biomedical Technologies to 'Enhance' Human Abilities.) In Alien: Engineers , the . Communication has been vastly improved thanks to our engineers. But that could take 500 years. The Engineers created us as an experiment. They are extremely advanced in genetic engineering and have built their own spacecraft. They didn't want humanity to grow further and become more technologically advanced. A critical examination of the ethics of medical experimentation on human subjects, focusing on the medical experiments conducted on human subjects by the doctors in Nazi Germany, as well as, in post-war U.S. may contribute to a greater effort to curb potential abuse. Scientists say otherwise. The people who made it, Holywood, and the controllers generally, are Luciferians who want to be gods. What's more, given the current regional and international tensions, the risk of nuclear weapons being used is the highest it's been since the Cold War. Twins!". Entering the Engineer Temple - Overlooked Detail. The Engineers on LV-223 were all dead except for one in the temple / Pyramid the Prometheus crew investigated. In the video below, Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada, has a powerful conversation with Dr. David Martin regarding Canadian involvement in the development of the highly-toxic "COVID vaccines". Ten-year-old Eva Mozes clung to her mother amidst the chaos of the selection platform at Auschwitz . Our Theory: While the rest of the crew on-board the Prometheus was looking for the . Due to its unstable nature at ambient temperature, the Engineers housed the pathogen within Steatite ampules. Some would claim the missions were still happening, only in secret. The logical structure of the film is not important. When the Engineer wakes up and David 8 greets him, he stands up and asks why they have come. Outlandish claim has a secret breeding program creating alien-human hybrids who can survive climate change. Wars accomplish population reduction while at the same time enriching war profiteers. Because of an idea proposed by Ridley Scott; that an Engineer was sent to Earth to correct the path that humans were on. For in its wake, the lives of countless Native Americans were destroyed, and tens of millions of buffalo, which had roamed freely upon the Great Plains since the last ice age 10,000 years ago . Method 9: Wars. According to this theory, it wasn't that they wanted to destroy humanity. Here's a picture of John D. Rockefeller, the world's first billionaire, who used to cheat and lie to his children "to keep 'em sharp.". The IMC, formerly called Hammond Engineering, is a massive industrial conglomerate based on Earth. Crop scientists and engineers want to come up with solutions to problems facing the world, like decreased yields due to pests and . The elite believe they are a more advanced form of human. Christianity caused more harm to humanity than all other religions and ideologies put together. Why did the Engineers want to destroy humanity? While he assists his human companions in their interstellar . While few were aware of the full extent of the Nazi "Final Solution," this history poses difficult and fundamental questions about human behavior and the context within which individual decisions are made. (The decapitated Engineer found by . On the other hand, anti-GMO groups claim that GMOs cause health problems for both humans and animals, destroy the environment, and only benefit large corporations. Nuclear-armed States are modernizing their arsenals, and their command and . The Engineers were either planning to carry their deadly cargo to Earth to eradicate humans because of an event that drove the two species apart (see: Creation Gone Wrong) or as part of a plan . Humans on this planet are a combination of Engineer DNA and black goo. Throughout the 1930s, the Rockefellers financed KWIA, which conducted racial experiments in Nazi Germany. Section 4. Or it may be that aliens communicate in ways that we can't comprehend, so we're just not hearing them. David. In 1915, the Rockefellers funded a plan to sterilize 15,000,000 Americans. A. I was a German engineer and key member of the Topf works and I saw it as my duty to apply my specialist knowledge in this way in order to help Germany win the war, just as an aircraft construction engineer builds airplanes in wartime, which are also connected with the destruction of human beings. You might remember the scene in Prometheus when David wakes up the engineer from hypersleep. Knowing if they did, eventually they would match their creators (Engineers). We are now able to reach people at any time of the day, anywhere in the world, with the touch of a button. Presumably some point after the rapture, humanity, in an effort to not be removed from the planet (like those taken) and to be able to evolve to be like the Beast (the supposed leader of the " aliens "), will allow their DNA to be rewritten thus altering their image - that image that was in God 's image (though fallen) will therefore become genetically like the Beast and of course . Editor's note: On April 16, news came out that the U.S. government said it was investigating the possibility that the novel coronavirus may have somehow escaped from a lab, though experts still . Roger Stone suggested Monday that Bill Gates may have had a hand in the creation of coronavirus so that he could plant microchips in people's heads to know who has and has not been tested for . . The very existence of nuclear weapons is a threat to future generations, and indeed to the survival of humanity. Aliens might be afraid of us, or consider us unworthy of attention, for instance. In fact, He spared many more animals than He did humans. Others, would claim there was already a . By 2050, your children, or your children's children, will be living on a planet with at least 9 billion other . And just by the way . Why do the Engineers want to destroy humanity? They are an elusive race of large, sapient, extraterrestrial lifeforms that are known for propagating all life on Earth and have some of the most advanced technology in the . He lists space tourism, extraterrestrial mining, and the beaming of solar energy from space back down to Earth as the best financial reasons to leave the planet. Many of us speculated as to why David felt the need to destroy the Engineers and many wondered what he might have learned about their culture to instigate such a reaction. Chemical A0-3959X.91 - 15 (as designated by Weyland Corporation) was a lethal pathogen (actually a mutating agent), that was manufactured by the Engineers, most likely as a biological weapon. There are now over 7 billion of us. The Saami Council, an advocate group for Sweden's indigenous population, warned that the Gates experiment "essentially attempts to mimic volcanic eruptions by continuously spewing the sky with sun-dimming particles." The group also pointed out that SCoPEx could have "irreversible sociopolitical effects" and would do nothing to reduce Carbon emissions, which are touted as the leading . Also mankind was a violent species, a product of too much free will. As in Prometheus, Engineers make humans, Engineers make biological weapons, Engineers decide to destroy humans, Engineers are killed by their own destructive toys. Earlier this month, a group of leading UK and US scientists called for more investigation to determine the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the theory of an accidental release from a lab in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. Main article: Human-Covenant War When the Prophets declared war on a previously unknown species called humans, the Sangheili followed their lead without question.After a period of time, however, even though the Prophets insisted that the humans were "unclean beings" that must be eliminated from the galaxy, some seasoned Sangheili veterans began to question the refusal of the Prophets to even . Former US President, Donald Trump supported this view, and not without reason. So, why did scientists develop these new organisms? 1st century AD - The Engineers prepare a "death ship", filled with jars of black goo, to send to Earth in order to destroy their wayward children, humanity. Why Engineers wanted to Drop Black Goo on Earth? Kind of like David did and is now doing. The slime begins to engender new life, drawing not from a self-sacrificing Engineer but from human hunger for knowledge, for more life, for more everything. 5. Food and health are basic human requirements beside a clean and safe environment. The Engineers are a technologically-advanced race of creatures. When they saw the destructive nature of humans they decided to intervene. Human life is greatly affected by three factors: deficiency of food, health problems, and environmental issues. For more than a decade now, two scientists-one in the U.S. and one in the Netherlands- have been trying to create a deadly human pathogen from avian influenza. It was all because they could experiment with humanoid life forms to see which ones would develop faster. Genetic engineering also . NEW GENETIC technologies are exhilarating and terrifying. Social Darwinism / Elitism. Why Engineers hate humanity?When I saw Prometheus I was quite surprised that one of the Engineers, creators. That's right: they are . The pathogen can infect organisms through a multitude of means, with a variety of outcomes . By K.N.C. Both J. Glover and W. Gardner's individual studies conclude, "Increases in our ability to control human reproduction will result in more genetic diversity in the human population because parents will have a variety of preferences and values that they can use in selecting offspring" (cited in Resnik 2000, 458). A national push for expansion and progress toward the latter part of the 19th century stimulated interest in draining the Everglades, a region of tropical wetlands in southern Florida, for agricultural use. Humans require safe-food at reasonable price. In a ceremonial sense, perhaps, the animals that died in the Flood could be viewed as morally contaminated because of their association with humankind. Incentives encourage people to focus on precisely what they'll get for completing a tasknot what might be gained by taking risks, exploring new possibilities, and . Maybe you've never seen any space aliens, but recent polls . Theory #2:There Were Two Opposing Factions Of The Engineers The Hologram recording insinuates all the other Engineers were dead and that none escaped. Rewards kill creativity. While officially, a drastic cut in budget was offered to the public for the sudden pulling of further missions of perhaps the greatest achievement in American history, many believed there were other reasons. David 8, commonly known as David, is a fictional character featured in the Alien franchise, portrayed by Michael Fassbender.Introduced in the first prequel film, Prometheus (2012), David is an android serving as a butler, maintenance man and surrogate son to his creator, Peter Weyland, the founder of the Weyland Corporation. Readings. The report alleges that China then reverse-engineered versions of the . According to historians, "From the middle of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century, the United States went through . The Engineers are all genetically perfect, homogeneous and peace loving beings, whereas we are all genetically impure and tainted with a propensity towards self-annihilation, thanks to the black goo. It's an analogy for the story of Lucifer, hence the title Prometheus. The Engineers, also known as Pilots, Space Jockey, Mala'kak, or Ossians, are the overarching antagonists of the Alien franchise. Wars have the obvious effect of reducing human population, but what may not be so obvious is the international bankers who benefit from funding both sides of wars through central banks in each country owned by the same private group of Elites. Check out the STORE: http://www.viralkiller.oneDavid utters a fe. A lingering question from Prometheus: The Engineers were planning on destroying their "failed experiment, humanity, but we never learn why. Of interest, though, was Scott talked a little about some of the questions left hanging from Prometheus and Alien: Covenant. CHINESE scientists created Covid-19 in a Wuhan lab before orchestrating an elaborate cover-up, a bombshell study claims. David responds that Peter Weyland wants immortality, and Weyland adds that he has created David like the Engineer's people created humankind, essentially making him a superior being like them. This article contains massive Alien: Covenant spoilers. A law prohibits NIH, which doles out federal funding for biomedical research, from supporting any studies involving human embryos, because of the potential that the research might harm or destroy . With Earth's support, IMC deployed its fleets to the distant, independent human colony worlds to exploit . The Chinese research did not have the specific goal of making the viruses more deadly, and rather than SARS itself, it used SARS's close cousins, whose real-world risk to humans was unknownin . When he does, we start to realize why the Engineers wanted to destroy their human creation: Like their ancestors, humans also decided to play god and created synthetic life in their own image. Declaring that the nation would start again at "Year Zero", Pol Pot isolated his people from the rest of the world and set about emptying the cities, abolishing money, private property and . Left unchecked, it would grow and eventually come back to bite them. Many Europeans witnessed acts of persecution, including violence against Jews and, later, deportations. That one survivor was left in a cryo-chamber asleep. A University of Texas professor says the Earth would be better off with 90 percent of the human population dead. In summary, God destroyed many animals in the Flood, but not all of them. Deimos falls at the hands of an enhanced A.T.P engineer. The Covenant is a religious organization that serves as the main villains in the Halo series. Horrifying medical experiments on twins helped Nazis justify the Holocaust. Robert Potter, a cyber security specialist who analyses leaked Chinese government . Hence, the reason why the Engineers were heading to Earth was to annihilate the human race, possibly with the aid of the bioweapons they had created. The Engineers were either planning to carry their deadly cargo to Earth to eradicate humans because of an event that drove the two species apart (see: Creation Gone Wrong) or as part of a plan . Captain James Cutter and Isabel decided to strike at the Banished by attacking a salvage operation, in which a group of Banished led by War Chieftain Decimus, Atriox's right-hand man, searched for supplies among the wreckage left from the battle nearly seven years earlier. When Deimos is activating the magnification chamber to revive Hank, one of the two enhanced A.T.P engineers enters the room, and shoots Deimos several times, killing him. By the end of the film there is no explanation given as to why the android would kill one of his co-workers. Scientists warn that humans should be worried about being wiped out by a killer pathogen that is specifically designed to kill people of only a particular race, based on their genetic material . "Every one of you who gets to survive has to bury nine," Eric Pianka cautioned . Or . They just wanted to use humans in a bio-weapon experiment (which possessed the ability to destroy humankind). Well, if you theorized that it was because we crucified Jesus, you win! During a podcast with Empire Magazine, Ridley Scott explained the motives behind the Engineer race and why David bombed them. War is social, with groups organized to kill people from other groups. In order to justify their belief they grafted Darwin's theories of biological evolution onto social organization to create Social Darwinism.Over the centuries they have referred to the public variously as cattle, sheep and "its" (as Plato did in The Republic) and Social Darwinism is merely the modern . With increasing world's population at a greater rate, human requirements for food are rapidly increasing. They were part of that antediluvian, sin-infested world. "Twins! The cargo hold of the Space Jockey's ship was filled with eggs of Xenomorphs (the first stage in the Xenomorph life cycle), which were held in stasis beneath a blue electrical mist. This has had massive . They appear as the main antagonists of Prometheus and minor characters in Alien: Covenant. Why did the Engineers want to destroy humanity? In this endeavor, it is necessary to understand the . The Destroyers find out about Earth 2000+ years ago and plan to use the fire they stole from the creators to wipe out earth, so no more creator DNA will remain. The psychic atmosphere has changed, because humans - tainted, Space Jesus-killing humans - are present. The Taliban, they called themselves. Incentives encourage people to focus on precisely what they'll get for completing a tasknot what might be gained by taking risks, exploring new possibilities, and .

why did the engineers want to destroy humanity